Want to add delivery to an existing order placed for collection?
No problem! Just add this delivery item to an empty basket and I’ll get everything sorted for you.
If your collection order was for multiple items and you only want part of it now to be delivered, please add a note confirming which item(s) are for collection and which are now for delivery - thank you!
NOTE: Please select "collection" as delivery method when you check out, or you'll be charged delivery on the delivery! (Sorry, but this is currently the only way to add delivery after an order has been placed).
Standard Delivery is £4 per order (4-5 business days)
Express Delivery is £7 per order (3 business days)
I do my best to dispatch orders within 2 business days. I send orders with Royal Mail or Evri using a 2-3 day (standard) or next day (express) service to meet the expected delivery times. On occasion, delivery may take a little longer (in bad weather or busy periods, for example). If you need an item urgently (for a special occasion perhaps) please let me know at time of ordering: if I anticipate any delivery problems I will let you know before dispatch. Thank you.
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